Healing Our Waters
Taking responsibility for the way we interact and honour water,
begins the healing on the water within us
and in the environment around us,
opening a new way of being for the generations to come
Water is central to the Andean people, (as it should to us). They revere and nourish this most precious element for both their community- and as individuals. With ritual, behaviours and traditional ways as part of their culture – traced well back to the Incas and beyond.
Even ancient sites were created to balance to take care of this most precious life-giving commodity, which are still active today and held by those of us in the know.
Wherever I travel or live, I feel it is vital to play our part in healing our waters on our planet. I am passionate about it – and hope you will join me for a day to learn more:
– How the Andeans view water
– How to heal the water within oneself
– and finishing with a ceremony to clean up.
This is an invitation to take part in a Water Blessing Ceremony, a rare form of Despacho, dedicated to the water in our Environment.
Doing our part as Guardians of the land.

I am sure we are all aware of how much the waters are out of balance on our planet. Drought, floods, contamination- micro plastics in waters as faar as the Amazon and the Artic. …the list goes on. It’s reflects our unconscious realms where we are out of balance inside.
We have forgotten as Westerners about our connection. About rituals of gratitude – for something as central to our survival as water, which we have taken for granted.
We have to start somewhere.
The Qero (from the Andes Mountains of Peru) centre their traditions & lifestyle around ayni – ayni is the giving and receiving with all realms of nature. Reciprocity is an exchange not only between humans, but ALL the nature realms too. So we are going to work and bond with nature…with water.
This work aligns itself with Dr Emoto’s research, proving that all water is connected. We damage some, it effects the rest. We cannot heal within, without effecting the outer – and vica versa. And so we are going to put this into practice – and begin a journey of healing with Pachamama’s blood – her waters!
It’s simpler than you think, to have a profound effect on water. That’s the power of water. The power in her simplicity….and the power in our intentions!
Let’s put our consciousness into action. Join me… whether in the UK, or beyond. I am happy to travel to serve in this way, but for now I live in the Uk and where this work will be done.
Please RSVP – for attendance & logistics
Healing Our Waters
There was a drought in a village. They sent for a rainmaker who was known to live in the farthest corner of the land, far away.
When he arrived, he found the village in a miserable state. The cattle were dying, the vegetation was dried up, the people were really affected by the drought.
The village folk crowded around him and were very curious about what he would do.
He said, ‘Well, just give me a little hut and leave me alone for a few days.’
So he went into this little hut and stayed there. They would leave food at the door, but didn’t see him.
People were wondering the first day where he was, what was he doing, why weren’t they seeing him,
… and wondering the second day.
… On the third day it started pouring with rain!
And then out he came.
In amazement, they asked him, ‘ What did you do?’
‘Oh the rain,’ he said, ‘that is very simple, I didn’t do anything.’
‘But look’ they said, ‘now it rains. It hasn’t for so long, now you work on it and it begins, what happened?’
And he explained, ‘I come from an area that is in balance. We have rain, we have sunshine. Nothing is out of order. All the elements are in balance.
I come into your area and find that it is chaotic. The rhythm of life is disturbed, so when I come into it, I too am disturbed and I am immediately out of order.
So what can I do?
I need time & a place to be within myself, to meditate, to set myself straight. So I had to wait three days until I was back in Tao – when my water elements were back in balance, then naturally the rain came.
When I am able to get myself in order, everything around is set right.”