WillkaMayu: Cosmic River Rites

Douglasdale, Johannesburg , South Africa

Rites of the Milky way from Andean Mountain Medicine lineages with Karen Weinman

Inka Road

Online with Zoom , South Africa

(Module 3) - Heart of Nature Programme Only available to those who have completed both the Pachamama  and Wachay: Birth modules previously. Activating energy systems and power capacities, and learning more tools (eg. Despacho). To journey through the energy systems and their powers, getting familiar and expanding them in your every day life. Interested? See […]

Healing Earth and Water

Live AND online

An opportunity to heal the earth and waters within -AND the Planet's! With Andean Mountain Medicine & Karen Weinman, Pampamesayoq we can do the work we were called here to do.

Rites of the Pleiades

Live AND online

Feel called to the Stars?

Feel like the Stars were once home?

Welcome to a culture where these stars are respected, honoured, offer healing and raise consciousness!

Bringing pure light to your heart centres and energy anatomy....and to your Ancestors too.

Enquire within